Podporujeme český výzkum psychedelik


Introducing PSYRES - projects and transparency

  • What makes PSYRES unique?
  • What projects does PSYRES support?
  • How does PSYRES support individual projects?
  •  What are the current support priorities?
  • How does PSYRES select individual projects? What must a project contain in order to be selected for support by PSYRES?
  • Does PSYRES engage in any other activities besides supporting research projects?
  • Brief history of the foundation’s work
  • What tools do you use to ensure transparency?
  • When is the annual report updated?

    1.  What makes PSYRES unique?

    PSYRES is the only foundation supporting Czech psychedelic research. The purpose of PSYRES is to raise funds for research into psychedelics and, among other things, to help mediate the treatment of patients through studies. At the same time, we also push the boundaries in the legal context - we strive to mediate the psychedelic assisted psychotherapy (PAP) outside the research context.

    2.   What projects does PSYRES support?

    You can find details about the research here. Follow the news section as well. In case of specific questions, contact us and we will send you more detailed information.

    3.   How does PSYRES support individual projects?

    We strive primarily for financial support. In addition, we also promote projects through the web or media and social platforms. We also reach out to potential philanthropists and supporters.

    4.  What are the current support priorities?

    In the following years, the prime focus is on the financial support of projects PSIKET001 and PSIKET002 – clinical evaluation comparing the effect of two psychedelics with an antidepressant profile (ketamine and psilocybin) and the effect of the active substance midazolam in the treatment of depression resistant to existing treatment approaches and in the treatment of a special type of depression (so-called existential distress with feelings of hopelessness, fear of death, return of the disease) in cancer patients. The study brings hope to these patients.

    5.  How does PSYRES select individual projects? What must a project contain in order to be selected for support by PSYRES?

    The Board of PSYRES decides on the distribution of funds and project support. The PSYRES International Scientific Council acts as an advisory body providing recommendations to the Board. We support clinical studies that have permission from the State Institute for Drug Control. We require projects to be approved by ethics committees. Projects are evaluated for added value, cost-effectiveness, relevance, importance, and meaningfulness.

    6.   Does PSYRES engage in any other activities besides supporting research projects?

    In the past, the foundation has also participated in the co-organization of professional public and educational events and seminars, with the ambition of continuing to be involved in this as well. The organisation also strives to raise awareness of the topic through social networks and PR, where we share news from research (not only supported projects). Our activities also include the support of legislative and economic analyses and activities leading to societal changes in the approach to psychedelic substances in order to use their potential for public benefit.

    7. Brief history of the foundation’s work

    PSYRES contributed to the realization of a Microdosing research project at the National Institute of Mental Health by purchasing the device and substances necessary for the analysis. Since 2020, we have supported the development of the iTrip mobile application, which primarily provides research data collection and contains a database of psychedelic substances. It also offers users contacts to professional workplaces and contains functionalities that reduce negative risks related to the use of substances ("harm reduction").

    We participated in the organization of several events:

    • "Science Meets Traditions" lecture series in Prague and Ostrava with the participation of world-renowned anthropologist Jeremy Narby and researcher Eduard Schenberg, and the elected president of the Huni Kui tribe and his wife.
    • The “Expedition Neuron” lecture, about a project which studies the effects of psychedelics in the traditional environment of the Amazon jungle.
    • Lectures on palliative care related to psychedelics.
    • A day-long conference that presented contemporary psychedelic research: Czech Psychedelic Republic 2020.

    8.    What tools do you use to ensure transparency?

    We publish an annual report every year. We have a transparent bank account and the Darujme portal. At the same time, we publish project support on the website and on social networks. If you ask us to do so, we can inform you about the specific use of your donation.

    9.   When is the annual report updated?

    Every year after the financial close. The annual reports are available here.

    Supported studies and their importance

    • How much does clinical research cost?
    • Why does PSYRES collect funds when some are supported by grants?
    • How much funding is needed and how is success measurable?
    • What will the study bring us?
    • Can the implementation of these studies make a difference?
    • Doesn't this depend on international events? Can something be changed here, in the Czech Republic?
    • Credibility and Legality
    • Is it possible to support specific therapies in addition to research?

    10.   How much does clinical research cost?

    As part of quality research, it is necessary to take into account:

    • demanding administration (also associated with the purchase and import of substances)
    • personnel capacity of highly trained personnel
    •  medical and psychotherapeutic care
    • machines
    • energy
    • rent

    The costs of research on patients then amount to around 30 million CZK. Abroad, these studies tend to be even more expensive.

    11.   Why does PSYRES collect funds when some are supported by grants?

    Grant calls usually cannot cover the entire amount needed for the given research. Agencies allocate only limited funds, which they distribute to various thematic units and projects.

    Research tends to be quite expensive. Expensive technology, specialized premises are used, it is necessary to mediate the recruitment and examination of patients, sufficient care, pay experienced and erudite staff, purchase materials, ensure project planning, data processing, and all of the very demanding administration that comes with the administration of a grant/subsidy or the procurement of materials connected.

    12.   How much funding is needed and how is success measurable?

    The price is different for each study. Price of palliative study PSIKET002 – psilocybin vs. ketamine vs. placebo for cancer patients (without analysis and administrative costs, which are covered by the National Institute of Mental Health) is approx. 15 million CZK. On request, we can provide a more detailed financial description of the projects.

    Measurable success would be ensuring the treatment of a minimum number of patients and ideally paying for the study prioritized for this year.

    In addition to the continuous income for the announced studies, the financial stability of the foundation is also a measurable success. If the fund is provided with a financial contribution for operation (approx. 1 million CZK per year), it will be able to contitnue in its work to find funds for research, work on a campaign and approach philanthropists for support.

    13.   What will the study bring us?

    For example, paying for the PSIKET002 study means hope and immediate help for 60 cancer patients. At the same time, during the study, we obtain further evidence of the effectiveness of psychedelics through unique comparative clinical studies. We need evidence in order to move towards the possible legalization of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy (PAP) and thereby ensure the possibility of its application outside the research context for a much larger number of patients.

    In addition to the palliative study, PSYRES also wants to support a study that helps patients with pharmacoresistant depression (for whom conventional antidepressants do not work) for 60 patients. This study has already been partially supported by grants, which, however, do not guarantee complete implementation.

    14.   Can the implementation of these studies make a difference?

    Scientific evidence is necessary for argumentation in communication with decision makers. Without evidence, we cannot present clear reasons and opinions to the Government of the Czech Republic or to members of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, which can push the boundaries of working with psychedelics as drugs that can be applied under professional supervision. Thanks to the evidence, it is possible, for example, in Canada to use psilocybin in palliative medicine.

    15. Doesn't this depend on international events? Can something be changed here, in the Czech Republic?

    As the state of the Czech Republic, we of course comply with international conventions regarding the regulation of psychotropic substances. However, today we already know that many of them are included incorrectly on various lists. These are often very old formulations that are not subject to current knowledge. However, some states regulate substances differently compared to what is required by international conventions. In the end, each state creates its own policy and interprets these conventions in its own way (e.g. the Netherlands in the field of cannabis and psychedelic truffles, similarly some states of the USA or Canada, which grant permission for the application of psilocybin in palliative care). The issue thus depends quite a lot on the will of the given state - communication and adequate argumentation are all the more important.

    16.  Credibility and Legality

    Supported studies are mostly implemented in the National Institute of Mental Health of the Czech Republic, which is an institution directly managed by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. The implementation of a clinical trial is preceded by a long process of obtaining permission from the State Institute for Drug Control. The project must also properly go through the approval process within the Ethics Commission

    The implementers of the study are leading Czech scientists and the results are published in high-impact scientific journals. The application of psychedelic substances through clinical studies is completely legal, and the handling of purchased substances is governed by strict regulations at the National Institute of Mental Health, so their abuse cannot occur.

    17.  Is it possible to support specific therapies in addition to research?

    Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy is currently not applicable outside of these studies (except for sessions with ketamine, which is a registered dissociative anesthetic). In our studies, we combine sessions with psilocybin, which, other than in clinical studies, cannot be legally administered therapeutically. By supporting the study, you enable the implementation of a specific therapy - and thus help a specific patient.

    Support options and the Patrons Club

    • What are the possibilities of supporting PSYRES and its projects?
    • What are the payment options for donating?
    •  What will I get if I become a member of the Patrons Club?
    • Why should I  fund the organisation as a Patron?
    • Who is currently a member of the Patrons Club?
    • How do I find out what happened with my donation?
    • Can I remain anonymous if I decide to donate?
    • Will I be listed on the site If I decide to donate?
    • Is there also an investment option in PSYRES?
    • What other ways can I support PSYRES?
    • Can I come and observe the research?
    • Can I get contacts on representatives or creators of the supported projects?

    18.   What are the possibilities of supporting PSYRES and its projects?

    The current options are:

    • one-time donation
    • regular financial support
    • membership in the Patrons Club
    • purchase of promotional items or products (in preparation)

    19.   What are the payment options for donating?

    The PSYRES website currently offers:

    1. direct payment to a transparent bank account
    2. payment through the portal
    3. payment via PayPal
    4. Bitcoin payment
    5. payment to a non-transparent bank account (for anonymous donors)

    Upon request, it is possible to prepare a confirmation of payment or draw up a donation contract. If you need it, write to us at

    20.   What will I get if I become a member of the Patrons Club?

    If you want to become a key contributor and partner of the foundation, we offer the opportunity to join the Patrons' Club.

    We offer:

    • meeting with researchers and the internal team at a joint dinner
    • free tickets to our events
    • information about you on our website

    We will use your donations for the stable operation of the organisation. With the stable functioning of the organisation’s internal team, it is possible to obtain additional funds through media campaigns, communication, and addressing philanthropists.

    21.   Why should I fund the organisation as a Patron?

    The puspose of the Patrons Club is to ensure a stable regular income for the functioning of PSYRES, which, based on Patrons’ contribution, can work on fulfilling its mission – to search for funds to support research, address philanthropists, create campaigns, distribute funds for priority projects, ensure transparency, co-organize educational events with psychedelic themes (in the presence of scientists) etc. We help mediate treatment of patients in real time through the conducted studies.

    The transparent account, which is accessible through our portal, is dedicated exclusively to support the research. We strictly separate operating and research funds.

    22.   Who is currently a member of the Patrons Club?

    Members of the Patrons Club are philanthropists, entrepreneurs, and investors. You can read about all of the members here. We are now looking for 4 more Patrons.

    23.  How do I find out what happened with my donation?

    The foundation distributes money based on set priorities. By law, PSYRES is obliged to use the funds for a specified purpose. Upon request, we can inform you about the exact use of your donation.

    24.   Can I remain anonymous if I decide to donate?

    To maintain transparency, we prefer payment to a transparent account. In the case need for anonymity, it is also possible to donate to a non-transparent account.

    25.   Will I be listed on the site If I decide to donate?

    In the case of a significant regular payment, you can be admitted to the Patrons’ Club, or be part of the supporter's section on your own initiative.

    26.   Is there also an investment option in PSYRES?

    Not yet. PSYRES operates purely as a non-profit organization and research can only be supported through donations.

    27.   What other ways can I support PSYRES?

    In addition to financial support, it is possible to support the foundation, for example, through PR or mentions on social networks and sharing the information published by PSYRES. There is also the possibility of a donor partnership, where it is possible to individually agree on specific support (examples are e-shops that allocate a selected % of the purchase for non-profit purposes).

    We are also currently preparing an offer of promotional items and products that you will be able to purchase and thus support the cause.

    28.   Can I come and observe the research?

    The foundation does not mediate this activity - however, we regularly share news from the supported research projects.

    29.    Can I get contacts on representatives or creators of the supported projects?

    Scientists who carry out the research supported by us prefer communication through PSYRES, especially due to time constraints. In case you want to meet the researchers, you will be informed about the planned events. As members of the Patrons Club, you also get free entry to all PSYRES (co-)organised events in which researchers participate, and invitations to further meetings.

    Other similar organizations

    30.   What is the difference between PSYRES and CZEPS?

    PSYRES is a foundation that raises funds for research projects. On the other hand, CZEPS (Czech Psychedelic Society) is a non-profit organization bringing together experts from various professions who are deeply interested in the topic of psychedelic substances and want to develop activities that support the status and awareness of psychedelics in our country.

    The main contribution of CZEPS is the destigmatization of psychedelic substances, open discussion, and risk reduction, e.g. through the organization of educational events, through a university course, information materials and PsyCare activities – psychedelic first aid. We greatly appreciate their activities, as they help us change the public's view of psychedelics. Cooperation with CZEPS is very important and beneficial for us.

    However, PSYRES focuses specifically on supporting research. Without it, any activity remains a theory. We need evidence to make a change, and research provides it. At the same time, research provides otherwise difficult-to-access treatment for patients, giving them hope for a cure or relief, as many substances cannot be administered outside of a research context