“Evolution of mankind is paralleled by the increase and expansion of consciousness.”
Psychedelics are psychoactive substances of natural or artificial origin that expand perception, deepen self-knowledge, and open a new perspective on reality. In the hands of experts, they help identify and treat distressing mental states and psychological illnesses. They can also play an important role in a person's personal development.
Czech psychedelic researchers are conducting fundamental scientific research at the same level as the top psychedelic research teams around the world. Our scientists have been preparing the ground for the revolutionary use of the therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances, which in the hands of specialists can bring relief to millions of people with severe forms of depression. Psychedelic assisted therapy can also be applied in palliative care – even now, through a research study we already offer therapy to specific patients.
Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapy (PAP) is a great hope for people who are unresponsive to standard treatments. The advantage is the quick onset of the effect of psychedelics. The therapist accompanies the patient in a safe environment, helps the patient understand the lived experience, and consolidates the therapeutic effect.
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